Porridge 4 times a day to coincide with Neka's 4 meals. Make sure everyone gets their fair share. Follow with shallow bowl of water to encourage them to drink. Not quite as interesting as the porridge yet, though.
As they grow they are making more of a mess too. They and the mat get covered in food when they're eating. Neka still cleans up all the poos (phew for that!) but they are weeing freely with no help from mum, so clean newspaper has to go down everytime they wake up. Big shout out to Jo and her neighbours for the very welcome steady supply of newspaper. I don't know how we would manage without them because it would take me 5 years to gather enough newspaper singlehandedly.
I don't think I'm the only one finding it tougher. Neka has decided she has had enough of being sequestered with the pups 24/7 so she now opens the door and comes downstairs to find the rest of the family whenever she feels like it. She's such a social thing, I can't say that I blame her for getting bored and lonely. She's still a great mum, though, and quickly scampers back to the box at the first squawk.
She rarely lies down to feed them now and that's also no surprise, as they descend on her like little vampires everytime she gets in the box. So she usually nurses sitting up or, occasionally, standing up with the puppies hanging off! She used to do that with the last litter when they were about 4 weeks old and had teeth but at the moment it seems a bit soon for her to expect the poor little mites to reach when she's standing. They're still so little - well, relatively so, anyway.
I do wonder if she'll ever get her girlish figure back this time!
Today's photos - box of puppies anyone?

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