Wednesday 5 January 2011

4 weeks weights

These puppies are so blessed to have a mum like Keksi. She has been faultless from the beginning and made my job really so much easier.

Not quite as easy now, mind you, in the middle of winter when in all my past (spring & summer) litters, the puppies would have been spending quite a bit of each day outside by this age. Not so this year. I didn't think it would be possible, but we might run out of newspaper.

Not only do the pups have a wonderful mother, but they are also blessed to have in their lives the dog who taught Keksi everything she knows - Granny Neka. She is enjoying herself so very much with the puppies - helping Keksi clean up and playing with them. They can only learn wonderful things from their fabulous granny, and so I'm delighted to let her join in.

Neka makes me proud everyday, but never more so than when we have puppies in the house. (And, to be fair, she also regularly gives me cause to huff in frustration.) Where Keksi can't just hang out in the pen to play without getting set upon by a bunch of furry little vampires, granny can and does spend lots of time in there entertaining the troops - and occasionally stealing their toys.

"Is that a bottom that needs attention?"

Maija looks on with a bit of envy. She doesn't dare enter the pen, although it looks like fun.

And so to the weights - as always, you can click on the image for a bigger, clearer view.

If there's one thing the weight graph shows, it's how good Marilyn is at eating real food. She was the first to tuck straight in and she sees the bottom of every plate. Such a food junkie should be very easy to train in her future life.

1 comment:

Paula Glover said...

Poor Neka will be most miffed next month when the pups leave!