Monday, 24 January 2011

eine kleine nachtmusik

(Well, sort of.)

Whoops! I've been away a whole week? Sorry about that, but I guess I've just been too busy to blog. Now that's busy!

For one thing, they've decided they would quite like to be housetrained, please. And, so, its squawks all round each time they need to answer the call of nature.

The puppies have been on their various socialising activities; trips to the pet shop and the post office for cuddles with all the cars, lorries, motorbikes, mobility scooters and pushchairs along the way. And, of course, no puppy should be without a bit of music in their life. The camera wasn't around when they first heard Jay playing guitar, but we did manage to catch the moment when they first heard him playing piano. Here they are enjoying a bit of Beethoven (not actually Mozart).

And later the 7-week photos. Yes, 7 weeks. Already.

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