This is the spring of the novel Coronavirus and Covid-19. And that all kicked off while these puppies were growing up here in this house in the past few weeks. The puppies turned 7 weeks old, had their eye tests, their microchips and vet checks, and then we heard the country was going into lockdown. Stay home, no socialising, no driving anywhere unless absolutely necessary. I went straight to the new owners - a week early - and suggested they come and pick up their puppies as soon as they possibly could while they still could. Within 3 days, they were all gone.
It was hard to see them go so early, but it is a truth universally accepted that a 7-week-old Finnish Lapphund puppy is ready for its new home. Honestly, at that age they are flipping hard work! Fighting with their siblings, already half house-trained, demanding to go out every 5 minutes for a poo and generally ready for the world.
With the social distance rule, the new owners didn't get the usual Infindigo handover treatment of a 2-hour sit-down to go over everything in the puppy manual and all the things they need to know. They didn't even get to come into the house. They took their puppy pack stuff and their puppy and were here and gone in about 10 minutes flat. A bit stressful for me. Not the way I like to send my puppies into the world. But it's such a strange world we find ourselves in at the moment, and I know it was the right decision; the very next day the police were stopping cars.
One Infindigo tradition couldn't be abandoned completely, even though in many cases the whole family didn't come to collect the way they normally do. But I still managed to get the leaving photos. From a safe 2-metre distance, of course.
First to go was Ruska - to Cornwall with Avril & Scott & new big sister Layla, the Cavapoo.
Then Penni also to Cornwall with the Hollister family, her mum, Anni, & Springer Lyla. It was so lovely to see how happy Anni was to see one of her babies.
Penni was followed quickly by Lily who is off to Oxfordshire to Claire & Andy - not to mention new big brother, Miika (Infindigo Lintu Miika). Looks like they are fast becoming best friends.
The next day it was Taika off to ... not far away at all with Tom & Jo! You can follow his continuing adventures on Instagram @taikuri_the_lapphund.
Then went Maki all the way to Manchester with Ruth & Mark. Hopefully at some point in the future he will have a chance to meet some family members who live up there. In the meantime, you can follow him on Instagram too @maki_the_lappie.
Finally, it was Nalle's turn to go ... again, staying pretty close by in Devon with Helly, Neil and Bjorn.
Good luck, pups! Be the amazing dogs you are destined to become.
Someday, when all this madness is behind us, I hope to be sharing some puppy reunion photos.