Saturday 3 April 2010


Oh, here we go - still a whole week before moving downstairs to the big pen with high, safe, unscaleable sides, and no less than 3 of the puppies have made a bid for freedom already. Butterfly has a good technique and almost made it:

2Toes also had a go:

And the third puppy to try? One of the boys, perhaps? Maybe Dino? After all, at this stage he can practically step easily over the side of that box. But, no. The boys are behaving like little angels - not a bit of trouble from either of them. It's all the girls, of course; Grey Wolf was the other one to attempt escape. However, she's not quite big enough to reach properly so didn't teeter on the lip long enough for a photo. No doubt it won't be long, though.

I don't know who it was who last night got stuck by the armpits hanging on the lip of the box, but there was almighty screaming until she was rescued. Did she learn her lesson? Clearly not.

Weight updates and new pics tomorrow. In the meantime, here are a few cuties taken at various times during the week.

L-R: 2Toes, Dino, Other

Background L-R: 2Toes, Dino
Foreground L-R: 2Tone, Grey Wolf

Top-Bottom: 2Toes, Grey Wolf, Butterfly, Dino, 2Tone (everyone's pillow)

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