Tuesday 6 April 2010

teeth & attention

The puppies' teeth have been coming through little by little during the week. Here is someone (2Toes, maybe?) showing hers off.

And a little more evidence of the puppies' determination to break the chains that bind them (i.e. climb outta the box).

Don't ask who's who! Altho that's 2Tone on his back & Grey Wolf on the right

L-R: Butterfly (I think), Dino, 2Toes

And, finally, an adorable illustration of how they interact with people now. When you (or in this instance, Jay) look into the box they all come and pay very close attention just in case you're going to do something good. What they're expecting, I have no idea. But it's quite sweet.

L-R: Butterfly, GreyWolf, 2Toes, 2Tone & Dino at the back


Blue Lotus Yoga said...

Just filling in my SFLS membership form and I thought 'I recognise that name from the list of breeders' so I thought I'd come and have a look at your website, which led me to the blog. What gorgeous little pups! I can now get my lappy fix whilst waiting to get my own little one to arrive (I'm an addict - I need my lappy fix every day!)

Jennifer said...

Welcome :-) I must say I am enjoying the pups. Altho they're rather hard work, they are quite cute. But of course puppies don't come in 'ugly', really!