Sunday 11 April 2010

4 weeks old

Usually at this point I would present perfect pictures of puppies sitting prettily and also standing strong & square. Who am I trying to kid? The evidence to the contrary of "strong & square" lives on this very blog. How is it anyone ever gets those perfect standing photos, anyway? Because, I assure you that they do. I don't, but 'they' do. Perhaps I should invite 'them' over?

So, for now, I have only sitting and very poor standing shots to offer - and there's 2 missing, at that. It's been a bit of a lovely mad weekend full of visitors so I haven't even weighed them yet today. As for trimming their claws - forget it. Rest assured I will keep on trying... and as soon as I get something better to show you, you'll be the very first to know.

2Toes only sitting on this occasion - frankly it was quite a feat to get her to stay still for even that long. See how fluffy she's getting around her ears already?

2Tone sorta half-sitting then standing (again, sorta)

Grey Wolf does a great sitting pose and is pretty good at standing too (well, getting ready to walk away, anyhow)

Dino is excellent at sitting. Standing? Not so much. You can even see his eyes in this one, which makes a nice change.

Butterfly sitting only - and with a terrible backgound. I think I have a standing photo of her as well. On the other hand, it might be 2Toes. Must do better.


Karen said...

Jennifer, they are all adorable pups! I am deeply envious of all the new owners.

Jennifer said...

Hi Karen. Thanks so much. They are really at the funny stage now & we're enjoying them enormously!