Tarkka off to Plymouth with Jo, George and the very excited Josh:

LMI (Little Miss Inko) goes off with Paula & Adam (at last!) Don't miss her continuing adventures on her very own blog Living with a Lappy.

Jaana was the next to go, bright and early with Mike & Sarah. They had a long drive back to Brighton where Jaana discovered her new big brother Basil. Check back for photos of her settling in.

The last pup to leave home was Rauhan. Here he is with the Hollisters, minus dad Adrian who was detained temporarily at home in Berkshire and had to zoom down separately to collect his family, including the new little addition. I wonder what new big sis Sukka will think of him?
Are you going to run a blog for Maija?
This blog will carry on with all the news from all the puppies - just unlikely to be quite such frequent posts!
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