It's a struggle to keep the dog towels & beds dry these days. Forget clean. And my floor? Well, let's just say if I hadn't been suffering from such a miserable cold, I would have had the energy to be quite mortified after our new year's day Lappy walk when the group came in for a coffee.
But when you share your house with dogs, you get accustomed to a bit of mud in your life.
Our walk was a small but dedicated group! It was the morning after the night before, after all. I was mighty impressed that the Cornish contingent made it, considering they hadn't got to bed until 3am. Well done! The various others who were thinking they would maybe, just perhaps, come on the walk, ended up staying in bed (the sensible people...?) The rest who were definitely coming all had cancelled for one reason or another, the most dramatic being a backed-up sewage system in their new house. Oh dear, is what I have to say to that. Happy s****y new year indeed.
Our group consisted of myself & Jay with Neka, Keskiyo & Maija; Maria & Mark from Cornwall with Marja; and their houseguests Dee & Patrick from Derbyshire with Karri & Tuula.
Many thanks to Mark Gregory for all the photos.

The least muddy of the paths - but Marja's legs tell the story, & that's after she had cleaned off in the river.
L-R: Patrick, Karri, Tuula, Marja

And before Marja had had a paddle in the river - the blackest of legs on the whitest of Lappies!
L-R: Tuula, Karri, Jay, Marja, Patrick, Neka, Maria, Keskiyo, me, Dee
At this, the halfway point of the walk, just before the river, Maija had already set off on her own customary route straight up the mountain for a quick recce before joining us at the river.

Having a paddle.
L-R: Tuula cleaning her feet under protest, Dee, Maija, Keskiyo, me, Marja full speed just for a change, Neka begging sweets from Maria
Love the gorgeous old stone bridge here! And I've never brought our good camera up here to get a decent shot of it, so I'm even more grateful to Mark & his camera.

A bit cleaner underfoot most of the way back out. This is the meadow full of snowdrops in February & bluebells in May.
Sad to see that the beautiful old dead tree (left) has come down in the storms.
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