These questions are not from concern for the puppies' welfare so much as their new owners. I know I've picked the puppies' homes well, so I have no doubt they'll be loved & cared for. I just worry that they are behaving themselves. As much as an 8-week-old puppy can behave himself, that is.
The only concern I have for the welfare of the puppies is whether everything I've tried to drum into the new owners has sunk in past the excitement of having the adorable puppy finally home. Will they be strict with the routine? Will they teach him to be quiet? Will they get the housetraining cracked? Will they continue with the full-on socialisation?
So when I get regular updates and photos, I'm happy.
Mikko at his new home looking like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.

And crashed out on the sofa having a snooze after wearing himself out. Is there anything cuter than puppy toes?
Miia has decided to be helpful in the garden. Just wait til she discovers her own paws are more efficient than a trowel...
Checking the pots to see if there's anything tasty about.
Kiittaa getting to know her new big sister, Dotsie.
Looks like they're going to be getting on brilliantly.
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