Saturday 6 March 2010


Oh yes, how could I forget Maija the piano-eating wonder! Ok, to be fair she didn't eat the entire piano, but she did take a chunk out of it. Those of you to whom I have preached not leaving your young Lapphund unsupervised and keeping them crated when alone could not be blamed for having a little snigger. After all, if she had been safely tucked up in her crate then she never could have eaten a portion of the piano, could she? Could she?

Apparently, she could. That's right. Believe it or not, Maija got her little muzzle out through the bars of the crate (past the bone, past the kong) to grind her new grown-up teeth against the piano an inch away from her crate.

There are now 2 inches between piano & crate. And a sheet of wood.

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