2 Toes - At first I couldn't distinguish her in the photos so I had to go and take some more of her. Then I spotted this one in the original bunch & there were the 2 white toes in the bottom of the shot. Not to mention that typical little sideways look, which I really should have recognised the first time around.

2Tone - Looking a little bit sleepy, as usual. This boy reminds me of his uncle Taito - utterly chilled at all times. Usually to be found on his back, oblivious to all going on around him.

Grey Wolf - We really did have to go and get another photo of her. Not because I couldn't recognise her but because - unusually for her - she was kicking up such a fuss (I'm hungry and I want to eat right now!) that we couldn't get a reasonable pic earlier. Here she is her normal placid self with full belly and starting to drift back off to sleep.

Dino - Looking every inch the gent already. There are some eyes in there, but the fur around his face is so long that his eyes are usually obscured by fur visors.
Butterfly - This is my second attempt at a photo of this little mite. Unfortunately it's one taken with flash which is not my favorite way as it distorts the colour of their coats. Alas, it was the best we could manage at the time. At least you can see her little white chin.
I'm really looking forward to seeing as they develop which ones look more like their mum & family and which ones look more like their dad. Obviously the sable colouring will make them resemble Albmi, but I can already see lots of similarities with Taika's relatives too.
Check back later for the poll result & weight updates tomorrow.
I don't know if you will make a poll on that but I would vote for Daddy's head!
Wow! Aren't they growing fast. Is it just me or is Dino winking at us?
LOL I think that's just his fur visor :-) but you never know!
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