Thursday, 7 May 2009

sitting side saddle

On an earlier post about WELKS Paula commented on Inko sitting in her favorite sideways sit while Rauhan was sitting perfectly straight. I always thought it was a Neka thing, and I had monthly photos of her in exactly the same pose as she grew from puppyhood. Unfortuntately, I lost most of my old photos in a fried-computer-no-backup fiasco (Yes, I do know about backing up. Obviously.) But I do have one or two pics left of Neka in her characteristic sideways sit with head tipped on one side.

Sideways sit? you ask. It's front legs straight, back legs akimbo in some undignified way or other, as dog rests more or less on hip rather than bottom. What Mike calls, to my great amusement, sitting side saddle.

Here's Neka at 9 weeks with the first hint following by a tiny, rescued photo of her at 6 months in the real classic pose.

And here is Jaana who inspired the 'side saddle' term. You can see why.

And Inko & Maija

So, there was Rauhan sitting perfectly straight next to Inko, and certainly Keskiyo sits very straight. I could have been forgiven for thinking it a girl thing. But now I'm certain it's a Neka thing, because look at Tarmo, followed by a young Karhu (was he ever really that small?)

So it's certainly a Neka thing that she's passing to her offspring. Perhaps it's a Lappy thing. Some Lappies, anyway.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha he still does this but far far worse than that photo with the crazy eyes! You'll be able to get a new photo of him sitting all wonky in just over a week :)


Anonymous said...

This could possibly be related to Hip Dysplasia. Many dogs with hip trouble, even puppies, will sit "on the hip" like this. You may want to have it checked by a vet.

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the comment. Many of our dogs, and certainly all those who are bred from, have hip xrays to ensure there are no signs of hip dysplasia, so luckily that isn't the case for this gang. They're just being Lappies. However, my old Akita who did have poor hips also sat in a similar, but slightly different, way so I know exactly what you mean.