Monday, 17 July 2017

first solid meal

This morning the puppies had their first meal without Emmi - a little bit of raw meat on a plate warmed up with hot water.  The first meal is usually not much of a success - the puppies don't get it right away, or they're not particularly hungry so they can't be bothered.  I think these puppies will take after their mother.  Let's just say they were absolute naturals.

Clockwise from bottom:  Raven, Rook, Merlin, Puffin, Buzz

Clockwise from bottom: Rook, Merlin, Puffin, Buzz

Rook, Merlin, Puffin

Raven & Rook; Woody at the top

Raven & Rook

It's a messy business, to be sure.  And cleanup time is when the bitey-face game really comes into its own.


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