Monday, 12 December 2016

and they're off

Over the weekend the puppies set off on the next leg of their big adventure - one to Cornwall, one to Plymouth and one all the way to West Sussex.  Before they went, they had 3 clear vet checks, 3 microchips and 3 clear eye tests.  There was not one episode of vomiting in all that - and not even any drooling!  Natural-born travellers, these puppies.

And also before going, there was the opportunity for a few last cuddles with mama.

Karhu having mama cuddles all by himself

Considering how much Tuuli has enjoyed spending time and playing with her puppies, you might think that she was distressed to see them go.  But no, she was quite content to see them go off one by one with their new owners and when she wagged the last one off, she promptly hopped up onto the sofa, flipped onto her back with her feet in the air and had the best, deepest snooze she has had for 2 months.  As with all things puppy-related, Tuuli knew exactly when the time was right for them to go.

After Anni and Karhu had left, Arvo was left briefly on his own.  Luckily I had borrowed Ulla for the weekend to take her to a show, so she was on hand to keep him well occupied and tire him out for the drive to West Sussex.  When you think how roughly she plays with Loki, it's amazing how gentle she was with Arvo.  And she did a pretty good job of teaching him all the funny play-faces.

And so to the home pics.  Arvo was the last to go and Karhu was first, followed by Anni shortly thereafter.  I couldn't resist including a photo of the same family members leaving with Rauhan EIGHT years ago.  I don't know if they can believe it was that long ago, but I sure can't.

Karhu off with Kirsty & Luke

Arvo heading off with Adele & Wesley

Anni with Katy, Hattie & Emma
The same family 8 years earlier with Rauhan

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

mid-week games

The puppies were rampaging around the outdoor pen in the way that 7-week-old puppies tend to do first thing in the morning, so I got out the camera to catch the evidence.  Of course, the minute I pointed the camera at them, they did this instead.

But they can't just sit there looking cute indefinitely.  Eventually normal service resumes, as shown below.  And if any of you were thinking Karhu was quiet, retiring and shy, you should see him when the scrambled eggs are served.  Not to mention when he gets his sister on her back in the box.  Once she has given up trying to get my attention, that is.

Sunday, 4 December 2016

7 weeks old

The countdown has now started.  This time next week all the puppies will be in their new homes.  It's a bittersweet time for us - so exciting for their new owners, and it's heartwarming to be making some people so happy.  But we will miss them.  We always do miss them, and I shed a tear as each one leaves.  But we will especially miss these 3 who are so quiet and easy.  It's quite a difference to have a litter of 3 from, say, one of 9.  Quite a difference.

Having said that, even three 7-week-old puppies can make their mark is pretty short order.  Anyone who hears me talk about puppy-proofing might think I exaggerate about doing away with EVERYTHING within reach that's not tied down or otherwise firmly attached.  Woe betide anyone who underestimates the determination of a tiny Lapphund who has discovered a loose thread... or a gap by the skirting board, for example.

And people might think I'm being a bit overly dramatic when I tell them not to leave their puppy unsupervised.  Here's what the threesome did this morning in the few minutes I left them unsupervised in the kitchen.  Instant chaos and destruction. 

So, their new owners are duly warned.  But they can be pretty cute and butter-wouldn't-melt-ish too, as evidenced in their 7-week portraits, taken today with the help of some grated cheese.  So if you're wondering what's on their faces, it's cheese crumbs.  And if you ever need to bribe your puppy to do something, then a sliver of grated cheese is the answer.



That tail?  Wagging.  As usual.


Monday, 28 November 2016

6 weeks old

Here they are, a little late, but with their new names, which, as always at this stage, are still subject to Kennel Club approval.

Little Arvo
Infindigo Täysikuu Arvo (Arvo)

With the added bonus of Maija peeping over the top


Infindigo Täysikuu Anniina (Anni)

Infindigo Täysikuu Karhu (Karhu)

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

mid-week this & that

Tähti & Kuu

The puppies have managed to spend a little bit of time outside this week, although it has been rather cold and wet from time to time.  It's always good fun in the outdoor pen where they get to run around and really build up some speed and muscles.   You can join the Infindigo Finnish Lapphunds Facebook group to see all the action because we are enjoying the live video feature when the threesome are doing something particularly cute.  Of course good lighting helps, so that rules out most of the indoor action.

Here's a sample of sweet moments, including a few shots of Tuuli playing with Kuu.

Tähti buried under vet bed & toys

Arvo loves to have a pillow


What's so funny?

Kuu & Tähti share a burger

Sunday, 20 November 2016

5 weeks old

I've got a selection of photos for you of puppies doing cute stuff, but I'll save them for a couple of days.  In the meantime, here's the weekly update.  I have to admit these were taken in a slight rush so the pups are looking a a bit disheveled as they were not brushed.  Also, there are no pretty standing shots, just slightly enforced ones with the rather sleepy puppies thinking "wha?"

Little Arvo





Sunday, 13 November 2016

4 weeks old

4 weeks old is one of the biggest milestones for the puppies because that's when they move downstairs, meet the big dogs and start to receive visitors.  Up until 4 weeks they thought that Jay and I were the only giant monsters in their world, so it comes as a bit of a shock to find out that the world is full of them!

Tuuli had abandoned the puppies a few days before, going upstairs only to feed them and then scurrying back down, so on Friday night, a couple of days early, the puppies moved downstairs to the big pen.  It was time, really, because they certainly needed that space to do some extra exercising and build up the muscles on those jelly back legs.  Even just 24 hours later they were getting stronger and more sturdy on their feet.  Yes, even Kuu.

Tuuli was so happy to have them move downstairs and she has enjoyed showing them off to all the strangers who have been coming to visit them all weekend.  And she just loves to lie in the pen with them playing.

Nom nom


And this is what you do with toys

We woke up to a really fabulous warm and sunny autumn day this morning, so we managed to get some photos early before the day's visits started.  And the puppies even got into the outdoor pen for a few minutes for a little Facebook live video while I cleaned the indoor pen.  Convenient, to be sure, but I'm guessing we're not going to be quite so lucky every day.  On those days the puppies get the run of the kitchen while the indoor pen gets cleaned.   And then, as often as not, the kitchen floor gets cleaned too...

And so to the 4-week portraits.  They are starting to look like little Lappies now with their tails over their backs.  Not so much when they're on their own for posing, though, granted.

Little Arvo
Handsome boy still with the black spot on his toe

The show stand still needs a helping hand or four

Pretty poser

Is this what you call a show stand?


Not telling what we had to clean off those white paws

Frankly, I'm a bit better at sitting than standing

Needless to say we had plenty of outtakes.  Here is a small selection.

What the devil are you doing with my tail!?

I don't do outtakes

What is a outtakes?