And so if my blog suffers somewhat as a result, I'm sure you will all completely understand.
Introducing Black Blossom Troll Fia, otherwise known as Tuuli.
Off to Arlanda airport on our way to England. She was such a good puppy in the car!
"Troll" is Swedish for "magic" and Fia is a girl's name. We had
intended to continue calling her Fia, especially as she already knew her name, and it's such a pretty name.
However, it is phonetically too close to "Neka" and we have found that
it is causing rather more confusion than we are able to cope with
just at the moment. Therefore, Fia will now be known as Tuuli. After a day of being called Fia-Tuuli, she
knows her new name, and in the 3 days she has spent in my company, she
has also learned a few essential words of English: sit, stand, wait,
wee, poo and, of course, food/hungry.
On the other hand, it's possible that she doesn't exactly know "food/hungry" so much as she hopes that most of my questions translate into "Would you like to eat now?" She's a greedy little thing, which makes a nice change for us, having had 3 Lappies who were fussy eaters as youngsters. In order to slow down her meals, she eats them from a ball that she must roll around the floor getting it to dispense the pieces of kibble. It's good exercise for her and adds a little dimension of interestingness to her day. That's what I keep telling her, anyway, when she complains that she can't swallow her entire meal in one inhale.

Lying on my boots to make sure I didn't go anywhere without her.
But for a proper snooze, only the stuffed moose will do for a pillow.
There was the long and (for me) incredibly stressful journey from Stockholm to Heathrow and from Heathrow home to Devon, arriving at something after 10pm. To keep the mayhem to a minimum, the big dogs had already gone to bed and so we snuck Tuuli straight upstairs for some getting-to-know-you cuddles on the bed. A rare, one-night-only treat! After the first night she settled into her crate at bedtime like everyone else.
Next day, playtime with Maija.
And, napping in her den (there's that moose again):
I cannot tell you how grateful I am to Pia Juhlin at Black Blossom kennel in Sweden for entrusting this little Troll to us! Pia has never sent a puppy so far away before, and I can only imagine how difficult it was for her - especially after keeping (Fia) Tuuli at home with her until the age of almost 4 months. But thanks to her trust in us, she has made my dream of importing a new bloodline Lapphund a reality.
Thanks are also due to Pia's son who travelled with Tuuli from Mora, where Black Blossom is, 3 hours by train to Stockholm. And also to Pia's daughter, Camilla, who then took care of her and delivered her to me at my hotel. Between them all, they took what could have been difficult and stressful and made it incredibly easy and trouble-free.
Finally, huge thanks to the person without whose help I may never have been able to translate my good intentions to Pia at all. Susanne, for your superior Swedish translating abilities and your generosity in helping me out time and again, what can I say? I owe you one. A really big one. And you've got that in writing.
Thank you to you all!
She is gorgeous!! Enjoy :-)
susanne x
Jennifer, what an adventure from start to finish. However, this is, really, only the beginning and I will look forward to following your blogs and look forward to when Tuuli is old enough to be a mum and to seeing puppies.
Love the photos of Tuuli (beautiful face) and so well behaved.
Wishing you, Jay, Neka, Marja and Keskiyo much happiness together.
More photos, soon, please.
Linda (Almond)
Great job Jen x Want a linky please to the young lady's ped....Svenska lapphundclubben not available ATM xxxx
this is incredible! really look forward to following her growing up.x
p.s. you don't have make it difficult for yourself - 11???
How exciting Jennifer. I look forward to meeting her one day.
Karen x
Thanks everyone. She's a little star & so easy. Let's hope it lasts lol.
She is gorgeous!
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