Thursday 16 September 2010

almost 6 months old

Two days ago marked the Tuisku puppies' 6-month birthday - happy half-birthday, puppies!

This weekend will be the very first show for the boys Usko and Kallio. Minna has been excused as there is a human birthday party at which her presence is required. But I'll be taking Keskiyo & Neka and picking up Taito on the way for the looong drive to Darlington to see the puppies in their debut. I've heard that they both have a bit of a naughty streak but I don't believe it for a second and I'm quite confident that they'll behave like little angels and show like pros. Yes I am. I am.

The latest photo updates have been trickling in and some lucky pups have been having their very first visits to some amazing beaches over the summer.

Taika & Minna

"Race you to the birds, mum!"

Sandy knackered puppy

Here's another sandy puppy - Jonna

Jonna & Ellie with what looks like the entire northwest coast of England to themselves

allio having his first of many, many subsequent forays into the water

Having fun with his friends

Causing trouble with his housemate (again)

And, finally, here is Kesa getting a different kind of wet. She doesn't need the beach - she's quite happy "helping" with watering the garden.

In the meantime, Usko is being very grownup and dry

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