Sunday 22 August 2010

Keskiyö & family

At the Welsh Kennel Club show yesterday in the rain, one of Keskiyö's sisters and his mother were also there so I thought it would be an excellent opportunity to get a family portrait, especially as the 2 siblings are so very alike. Quick photo of 3 well trained dogs - piece of cake, right? Um, nope.

Here is a selection of attempts with Keskiyö and sis Curly flanking their mum Toive who is still rocking the show ring and showing the youngsters how it's done at the age of 10. You can see that show dogs are unaccustomed to being requested to face away from their handlers! They're not so good at that.

"What you doin' up there?"

"Look there, no there!"

Keskiyö taking a bit too much interest in his sister.

While she's all about the food.

Smile, everyone!

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