Friday, 21 December 2012

12 dogs of christmas

I didn't create this image, and I admit I don't know anything about the company who did create it, so by posting this I am not necessarily recommending them.  However, I think it's great fun and wanted to share it with you.  At the very least, these folks clearly have great senses of humour - enjoy!

Of course, we would have 10 Lappies Leaping.  At least.

12 Dogs of Christmas
The 12 dogs of Christmas graphic was created by Pet365 - a UK stockist of brands like Hamish McBeth who make leather dog collars.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

lessons I learned from my dog

I don't normally post any photos that are not my own without proper permission and/or giving credit.  Unfortunately I don't know where this image came from, so apologies to whoever owns it.  If it is yours, please let me know and I will give you proper credit or I will take it down if you prefer.  It's just so good I had to share.


And if you're wondering where I've disappeared off to, I do apologise.  Somehow months have slipped by while I was otherwise occupied and my little blog that I have loved and nurtured has been sorely neglected.  I'll be back... from time to time.  I still have lots to share - there are puppy updates, for one thing, for puppies who are quickly closing in on their first birthdays.  I'll try to do better.  I'm not crazy enough to make any promises, though.  Obviously.